You can now view change sets before updating your stacks in AWS CloudFormation. This helps you understand the resource-level changes (e.g. adding, deleting, or modifying instances) which CloudFormation will apply to your live stack when you are updating your AWS infrastructure. Previously, you could not see the specific changes that CloudFormation would apply to your stack before submitting changes.
Amazon Redshift now supports using IAM roles with COPY and UNLOAD commands
You can now assign one or more AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles to your Amazon Redshift cluster for data loading and exporting. Amazon Redshift assumes the assigned IAM roles when you load data into your cluster using the COPY command or export data from your cluster using the UNLOAD command. It uses the resulting credentials to access other AWS services, such as Amazon S3, securely during these operations. IAM roles enhance security of your cluster and simplify data loading and exporting by eliminating the need for you to embed AWS access credentials within SQL commands. They also enable your cluster to periodically re-assume an IAM role during long-running operations. Handling of data encryption keys for COPY and UNLOAD commands remains unchanged.
AWS Trusted Advisor adds checks for Amazon S3, Amazon Redshift, EC2 Reserved Instances, security, and service limits
Four new checks have been added to Trusted Advisor to provide recommendations related to Amazon S3, Amazon Redshift, Amazon EC2 Reserved Instances, and security. Additionally, the service limits check now includes IAM. These checks provide further guidance to help provision your resources based on AWS best practices.
- Amazon S3 Bucket Versioning (New): Checks for Amazon Simple Storage Service buckets that do not have versioning enabled, or have versioning suspended.
- Underutilized Amazon Redshift Clusters (New): Checks your Amazon Redshift configuration for clusters that appear to be underutilized.
- Exposed Access Keys (New): Checks for access keys that have been exposed to the public and for Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) usage that could be the result of a compromised access key.
- EC2 Reserved Instance Lease Expiration (New): Checks for Amazon EC2 Reserved Instances that are scheduled to expire within the next 30 days or have expired in the preceding 30 days.
- Service Limits (Updated): Added Identity and Access Management (IAM) limits to the service limits check, to include items such as number of instance profiles, roles, server certificates, groups, or users in an AWS account.
CloudWatch Events now Supports Amazon SQS Queue Targets
The Amazon CloudWatch Events service now supports Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) queues as event targets.
Office Water Cooler Dispensers | Home Water Filters | Water Filtration Systems
Office Water Cooler Dispensers – Call 303-357-5269. Also Home Water Filters, Industrial Water Filtration Systems, Autoclave and Reverse Osmosis.
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Autoclaves Are Incredibly Important In Hospitals And Laboratories
Autoclaves Are Incredibly Important In Hospitals And Laboratories using medical devices and instruments for sterilizing infectious materials.
Office Water Cooler vs Bottled Water Cooler
Office Water Cooler vs Bottled Water Cooler us determined mostly by circumstances, including water feed access, desire for water purity and ease of use.
Autoclave Maintenance and Use
Autoclave Maintenance and Steam Sterilizer Use is dependent upon a high grade two-stage water filtration system.
Water Filtration Systems
Water Filtration Systems for Water Coolers, Industrial Water Filtration, Restaurant Water and Autoclave.