I needed to measure an inductor today, and got out my trusty Peak Atlas LCR40. This is a terrific little LCR meter, built around a PIC microcontroller, and made in Derbyshire by Peak Electronic Design. I had a look on the company website, and it has even more models of meter than it used to …
650V fast body diode mosfets for soft switching
Vishay has extended its fast body diode n-channel mosfet range from 600V to 650V with the EF Series. “They provide additional voltage headroom for industrial, telecom, and renewable energy applications when desired,” said the firm. Built on E Series super-junction technology, they feature 10x lower reverse recovery charge (Qrr) than standard mosfets, which allows the …
RDS Enhanced Monitoring is now available in South America (Sao Paulo) and China (Beijing)
In December 2015, we released Enhanced Monitoring for Amazon RDS so customers could get deeper visibility into their Amazon RDS instances in real time. Enhanced Monitoring provides a comprehensive set of 56 system metrics and aggregated process information at granularity of up to 1 second. You can visualize the metrics on the RDS console and also integrate them with CloudWatch and third-party applications such as Datadog .
H2O Innovation opens up European office in Bilbao, Spain
H2O Innovation has opened a European office in Bilbao, Spain, as part of its aim to expand internationally…
NAWC celebrates Drinking Water Week
The National Association of Water Companies celebraties Drinking Water Week, May 1-7, to recognize the essential role water has in our daily lives.
Fewer pies for antique lamp post?
I came across this in my travels, a delightful and mysterious lamp post. My guess is that is has/had a transformer in the bottom, but I have no real idea. Maybe it was an electricity sub-station, with added lamps. It has a plaque on it. Anyone know why it is like it is?
Ultrahaptics forms research link with Tokyo University
Ultrahaptics, the Bristol mid-air haptics specialist, has joined up with the Shinoda & Makino lab of the University of Tokyo to explore opportunities. Ultrahaptics’ technology allows the user to feel virtual objects without touching them, or wearing any special equipment. Ultrahaptics raised an A round of funding of £10.1m in November 2015. It is supporting …
Imec honours Gordon Moore
Imec has announced that Gordon Moore is the recipient of its lifetime of innovation award which will be presented to on May 24th at Imec’s annual ITF Brussels, the flagship of Imec’s worldwide ITF events. In 1965, Dr. Moore predicted that the number of components on an integrated circuit (IC) would double every year for …
MEMS-based oscillators are tougher than most
Acal BFi has added a range of miniature MEMS timing components to its portfolio of frequency control products with the signing of a franchise agreement with SiTime. SiTime’s MEMS-based silicon oscillators are designed to provide immunity to noise and resistance to shock and vibration. This makes them good alternatives to conventional quartz-based timing components. According …
Multi-band UMTS modem has global radio regulatory approval
Alpha Micro Components is offering a small cellular module supporting 2G and 3G, which has global radio regulatory approval. The SARA-U201 from U-blox is pin and form factor compatible with its other region-specific 2G and 3G variants, such as the 2G SARA-G350, also available through Alpha Micro. Measuring 16 x 26 x 3mm, the 96-pin SARA-U201 …