Amazon Elasticsearch Service is a managed service that makes it easy to deploy, operate, and scale Elasticsearch on AWS. You can now add up to 20 data nodes and 5 dedicated master nodes to your Amazon Elasticsearch domains. The previous limit was a total instance count of 10 including both data nodes and dedicated master nodes. This effectively increases the maximum amount of data you can store in an Amazon Elasticsearch domain from 12 TB to 24 TB with i2.2xl instances and from 4 TB to 8 TB for EBS-backed domains. For more information, see Creating and Configuring Amazon ES Domains and Amazon Elasticsearch Service Limits in the Amazon Elasticsearch Service Developer Guide.
Amazon Aurora now supports sharing database snapshots across accounts
Starting today, you can share your Amazon Aurora snapshots with another AWS account, or make your snapshots publicly available. You can privately share your database snapshots with up to 20 AWS accounts by selecting “Share Snapshots” on the RDS console and choosing the “Private” option. You can also make your snapshot available to all AWS users by selecting the “Public” option. Access to the publically or privately shared snapshots can be revoked by you at any time. Recipient of a shared snapshot can copy it to their account, or restore it directly to an Aurora cluster.
Amazon EC2 Container Service Supports Automatic Service Scaling
Amazon EC2 Container Service (Amazon ECS) can now automatically scale container-based applications by dynamically growing and shrinking the number of tasks run by an Amazon ECS service.
Industry leaders collaborate to celebrate Water Infrastructure Week
Water agencies join groups around the nation to address America’s deferred maintenance crisis, highlight areas of innovation.
FilterBoxx awarded Camp Project in Texas
The FilterBoxx team is supporting the client is through an expansion of their workforce camp where they are more than doubling their population.
Water loss reduction in Miami Dade County facilitated by Gutermann
Intelligent leak detection technology will be installed to nearly 40 miles of the water distribution lines throughout the Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Department’s service area.
Power converter puts 25W in square inch space
CUI has added two open frame isolated DC-DC converters – the PRD15 and PRD25 series – with outputs of 15W and 25W respectively in one square inch of board space. The modules measure 27.90 x 24.40 x 8.10mm. The PRD15 series features a 4:1 input voltage range of 9-36 or 18-75Vdc, while the PRD25 series …
UltraSOC refines tool suite
UltraSoC has announced the latest version of its semiconductor IP and software tools for SoC development, debug, optimisation and hardware security. The latest release in UltraSoC’s continuous development program includes extended support for data analytics and visualization, improved performance monitoring and system optimization capabilities, enhanced integration with third-party tool-chains, improved support for functional safety applications, …
Q1 wafer shipments up
Q1 silicon wafer shipments increased compared to Q4, according to the SEMI Silicon Manufacturers Group (SMG). Total silicon wafer area shipments were 2,538 million square inches during the most recent quarter, a 1.3 percent increase from the 2,504 million square inches shipped during the previous quarter. However, new quarterly total area shipments are 3.8 percent …
UK student wins Arizona Award
A UK student has won a prestigious award at International Science and Engineering competition in Phoenix, Arizona British student Brad Stalker, 17, of the Energy Coast UTC (University Technical College) in Workington, Cumbria won a prestigious Third Place Award at the Intel sponsored International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) last week, which this year was …