WesTech has partnered with Cleanergy to bring the Cleanergy GasBox™ Biogas Generator to the United States.
Double wall tank
Cylindrical double-wall tanks from Assmann Corporation eliminate chemical spills without the expense of lined concrete containment.
Mobile light tower
The WCDE-4X500W-LED-MLK from Larson Electronics is a self-contained towable light tower that is equipped with a water-cooled diesel engine powering an eight-kilowatt Marathon generator with an 11.7 horsepower Kubota engine.
Former Sebring Water Chief facing criminal charges
James Bates was charged with 3 criminal charges today relating to the city’s drinking water crisis.
Clean Water Excellence awardees named by California Water Environment Association
Napa Sanitation District is this year’s CWEA Medium Wastewater Treatment Plant of the Year.
Imec and Synopsys announce interconnect resistivity model
Imec and Synopsys have announced an interconnect resistivity model to support the screening and selection of alternative interconnect metals and liner-barrier materials at the 7nm node and beyond. With the continued scaling of advanced process nodes, the impact of parasitic interconnect resistance on the switching delay of standard cells rises considerably. The new model developed …
IC manufacturing equipment market will grow 1%
The semiconductor manufacturing equipment market will grow 1% this year after shrinking 3% last year and will grow 11% next year, says SEMI. This year’s market, worth $36.9 billion, will be split: Wafer Processing $29.33 billion +1.9% Test $3.36 billion +o.9% Assembly & Test $2.39 billion -5% Other Front End $1.86 billion -2.1% This year’s …
NEC puts AR on your arm
NEC has developed ARmKeypad Air, where smart glasses are used to turn the arm of a wearer into a virtual keyboard, allowing for contact-free operation. ARmKeypad Air enables contact-free operation through the movement of a wearer’s finger using Augmented Reality (AR) to create the image of a virtual keyboard on the forearm of a wearer. …
Phonon polaritons turn insulator into heat conductor for power electronics
Insulators could be converted into thermal conductors by an exotic surface effect, and power electronics might one day run cooler as a result. “In the last several years, theoretical papers have predicted the ability of surface phonon polaritons to increase thermal conduction in nano-materials made from polar materials like silicon dioxide,” said Georgia Institute of …
Phonon polaritons turn insulator into heat conductor for power electronics
DOE issues research on LED downlights and on OLED lighting
OLED lighting still holds potential, according to a US Department of Energy report on available products and promised improvements, while a Snapshot Caliper report on LED downlights reports lower levels of performance improvement relative to other SSL luminaire types.