Maybe everyone else has known this for ages, but at last there is enough information on led and collimator data sheets to work out how far one should be form the other to get the specified beam. Gaggione LLC17N This was bought to my attention by optics maker Gaggione – which I had know had …
Power Trip
One of the increasing number of things which puzzle me is what IBM is doing in semiconductors. When it sold its semiconductor business to GloFo last year, IBM said that it “expects its unparalleled semiconductor and materials research to continue to advance its capabilities in systems for years to come.” And so it has. A …
Microchip extends PIC32 range downwards
Microchip has created the lowest power and least costly family of PIC32 microcontrollers (MCUs), positioned between the PIC24F XLP and PIC32MX families, and the first PIC32s to have the firm’s ‘core independent’ peripherals. Called PIC32MM, the family is aimed at IoT, consumer, industrial and motor control applications. Key figures are: sleep down to 500nA and a 4x4mm package. …
Raspberry Pi powers RaspTouch open source music player
We know Raspberry Pi stories for high-end audio often prove popular, so check out the RaspTouch audio project on KickStarter, from France.
BlueInGreen completes 25th water treatment installation
BlueInGreen unveiled three completed installations in Jefferson Parish, La., Fayetteville, Ark. and Parkville, Mo., as well as two upcoming projects.
San Diego County Water Authority Board adopts long-range water management plan
Strategic actions promote safe and reliable water supplies for decades to come.
Yuengling brewery settles Clean Water Act Violations with EPA
The company has agreed to spend approximately $7 million to improve environmental measures at its brewery operations.
China To Feel Qualcomm’s Legal Lash
The Chinese are about to feel the lash of Qualcomm’s fearsome legal department. At the height of Qualcomm’s litigious spree towards the end of the last decade the company was spending $200 million a year on legal fees trying to assert its rights to exploit CDMA technology which it was obliged to license under FRAND …
EPA: Flint’s water is safe
Interagency testing shows filters are effective in removing high levels of lead in Flint water.
Copperas Cove, Texas, employs Fathom Smart Grid
Utility will utilize Turn-Key Smart Grid for customer billing, service.