Silicon Labs is sampling multiband Wireless Gecko SoCs which enable developers to use the same multiprotocol device for operation in 2.4 GHz and multiple sub-GHz bands. The devices are designed to support standards-based and proprietary 2.4 GHz protocols for short-range connectivity and proprietary sub-GHz protocols for long-range connectivity. A single hardware design can support multiple …
The Man Who Invented The iPhone
The Yanks love a good lawsuit and will start one at the drop of a hat on the flimsiest of evidence – but the guy who invented the iPhone 15 years before Steve Jobs, takes the biscuit. The guy didn’t actually get a patent for his design because he didn’t pay all the fees but …
Fable: The Memory Which Zero-ed
There was once a memory technology which used the floating body effect of SOI as a switch. It was a capacitor-less single transistor technology 2x the density of DRAM and 5x the density of SRAM. It was invented in Switzerland by a former Micron guy and a Russian. A company raised $22 million to develop …
Young entrepreneur goes crowdfunding for device to aid dementia care
Natalie Price has launched a crowdfunding campaign to raise £14,000 to bring her device for people with dementia and their carers to market. She was inspired to create a device that would keep people living with dementia safer having watched her own mother care for people with the disease for over 15 years. Price has …
Young entrepreneur goes crowdfunding for device to aid dementia care
Input structure boosts analogue ESD protection
Toshiba has revealed details of an electrostatic discharge (ESD) protection scheme for 0.13μm analogue power semiconductors. “ESD protection is much more robust, up four times, and the standard deviation is only 1/12 that of the conventional structure,” claimed the firm. 3D simulation revealed that lattice temperature increase due to the current flowing at the highest electric …
Current transformers shape up for wind power systems
Harting has announced a range of current transformers with an eye to wind energy system developments. The window type current transformers can be used to measure the feed from decentralised power generation plants for billing activity with the network operator. The transformers incorporate a transducer that has a rectangular shape with a cut that is …
Touch sensor will measure force too
Zytronic, the supplier of rugged projected capacitive touch sensor technology, has added force sensing to its sensor range which will allow systems to differentiate between a soft and hard touch. Force or pressure sensing is becoming available on smartphones and UK-based Zytronic is bringing it to retail and industrial applications. Its approach is based on …
Amazon Lumberyard Beta 1.3 now available, adds VR, HDR, and more
We are excited to announce the release of Amazon Lumberyard Beta 1.3, which includes 130 new improvements, fixes, and features. Lumberyard Beta 1.3 introduces new graphics features to help your team build visually stunning games including: support for VR devices such as the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive, support for high-dynamic range (HDR) displays and their brighter pixels and wider color gamut, introduction of the Lumberyard Graphics Profiler that displays critical performance statistics in real time, and more. Read about the update in the GameDev Blog and the Lumberyard Beta 1.3 release notes .
GUEST COLUMN: Singapore a growing market for US water technologies
Q&A with US Embassy, Singapore.
‘Phantom’ desal plant at centre of legal row in New York
A proposed desalination plant in Haverstraw, New York, that was never built, is at the centre of a lawsuit filed on Friday by Rockland County, New York, on behalf of its residents.