AWS Firewall Manager is now available in the AWS Asia Pacific (Malaysia) region, enabling customers to create policies to manage their VPC Security Groups, VPC network access control lists (NACLs), and AWS WAF protections for applications running in this region. Support for other policy types will be available in the coming months. Firewall Manager is now available in a total of 32 AWS commercial regions, 2 GovCloud regions, and all Amazon CloudFront edge locations.
AWS Firewall Manager is a security management service that enables customers to centrally configure and manage firewall rules across their accounts and resources. Using AWS Firewall Manager, customers can manage AWS WAF rules, AWS Shield Advanced protections, AWS Network Firewall, Amazon Route53 Resolver DNS Firewall, VPC security groups, and VPC network access control lists (NACLs) across their AWS Organizations. AWS Firewall Manager makes it easier for customers to ensure that all firewall rules are consistently enforced and compliant, even as new accounts and resources are created.
To get started, see the AWS Firewall Manager documentation
for more details and the AWS Region Table
for the list of regions where AWS Firewall Manager is currently available. To learn more about AWS Firewall Manager, its features, and its pricing, visit the AWS Firewall Manager website