Today, Amazon Web Services, Inc. (AWS) announces new pipeline performance data visualizations in the Analytics and Insights Dashboard. Partners can now inspect win rate of closed opportunities, assess top performing segments, and identify required actions on open opportunities.
Drill downs by customer region, segment, and industry are available for key metrics including open opportunity count, opportunities that require updates, and win rates. Additionally, AWS Specialization partners in the APN Customer Engagements (ACE) program get more insights with co-sell recommendation scores. The co-sell recommendation score assesses how well their solutions are positioned to meet customer needs. By combining top performing benchmarks and co-sell recommendation scores, partners can see where they are most well-positioned for co-selling and delivering for AWS customer use cases.
To get started, log into your AWS Partner Central account and navigate to the Opportunities tab within the Analytics and Insights Dashboard . Here, you’ll find new visuals for pipeline performance and co-sell recommendation scores.
To learn about all the new features the dashboard has to offer, log into AWS Partner Central and explore the Analytics and Insights User Guide