Today, AWS announces an improved account linking experience for AWS Partners to create and connect their AWS Marketplace accounts with AWS Partner Central, as well as onboarding associated users. Account Linking allows Partners to seamlessly navigate between Partner Central and Marketplace Management Portal using Single Sign-On (SSO), connect Partner Central solutions to AWS Marketplace listings, link private offers to opportunities for tracking deals from pipeline to customer offers, and access AWS Marketplace insights within centralized AWS Partner Analytics Dashboard. Linking accounts also unlocks access to valuable Amazon Partner Network (APN) program benefits such as ISV Accelerate and accelerated sales cycles.
The new account linking experience introduces three major improvements to streamline the self-guided linking workflow. First, it simplifies the process to associate your AWS account with AWS Marketplace by registering your legal business name. Second, it automates the creation and bulk assignment of Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles to AWS Partner Central users, eliminating the need for manual creation in the AWS IAM console. Third, it introduces three new AWS managed policies to simplify permission management for AWS Partner Central and Marketplace access. The new policies offer fine-grained access options, ranging from full Partner Central access to personalized access to co-sell or marketplace offer management.
This new experience is available for all AWS Partners. To get started, navigate to the “Account Linking” feature on the AWS Partner Central homepage. To learn more, review the AWS Partner Central documentation .