AWS Lambda now enables you to natively capture application logs in JSON structured format for Lambda functions that use .NET Lambda managed runtime. JSON format allows logs to be structured as a series of key-value pairs, enabling you to quickly search, filter, and analyze large volumes of logs to easily troubleshoot failures and understand the performance of your Lambda functions.
We previously announced support for natively capturing application logs (logs generated by your Lambda function code) and system logs (logs generated by the Lambda service while executing your function code) in JSON structured format for Python, Node.js, and Java managed runtimes. However, for .NET managed runtime, you could only natively capture system logs in JSON structured format. To capture application logs in JSON structured format, you had to manually configure logging libraries. This launch enables you to capture application logs in JSON structured format for functions that use .NET managed runtime without having to use your own logging libraries.
To get started, you can set log format to JSON for Lambda functions that use any .NET managed runtime using Lambda API, Lambda console, AWS CLI, AWS Serverless Application Model (SAM), and AWS CloudFormation. To learn more, visit the launch blog post . You can learn about Lambda logging in the Lambda logging controls blog post or Lambda Developer Guide .
JSON structured logging support for .NET is now available in all AWS Regions where Lambda is available, except for China and GovCloud Regions, at no additional cost. For more information, see the AWS Region table .