We are enabling Amazon QuickSight readers to generate filtered views of pixel-perfect reports and create schedules to deliver reports via email. Readers can create up to five schedules per dashboard for themselves. Previously, only dashboard owners could create schedules and only on the default (author published) view of the dashboard. Now, if an author has added controls to the pixel-perfect report, schedules can be created or updated to respect selections on the filter control.
These features empower each user to create the view of pixel perfect report that they are interested in and send them as scheduled reports. Authors can create filter controls (prompts) for different audiences to customize the view they are looking for. Readers can use the prompts to filter data and schedule it as a report. Therefore, it ensures that customers receive reports that they are interested in and when they are interested in them.
Prompted Reports and Reader Scheduling are now available in all supported Amazon QuickSight regions – see here for QuickSight regional endpoints.
For more on how to set up this setting, go to our documentation for reader scheduling and documentation for prompted reports .