Amazon QuickSight introduces the ability to import visuals from an existing dashboard or analysis into your current analysis where authors have ownership privileges. This feature streamlines dashboard and report creation by allowing you to transfer associated dependencies such as datasets, parameters, calculated fields, filter definitions, and visual properties, including conditional formatting rules.
Authors can boost productivity by importing visuals instead of recreating them, facilitating collaboration across teams. The feature intelligently resolves conflicts, eliminates duplicates, rescopes filter definitions, and adjusts visuals to match the destination sheet type and theme. Imported visuals are forked from the source, ensuring independent customization. To learn more, click here .
The Import Visuals feature is available in all supported Amazon QuickSight regions – US East (Ohio and N. Virginia), US West (Oregon), Africa (Cape Town), Asia Pacific (Jakarta, Mumbai, Seoul, Singapore, Sydney and Tokyo), Canada (Central), Europe (Frankfurt, Ireland, London, Milan, Paris, Stockholm, Zurich), South America (São Paulo) and AWS GovCloud (US-West).