Now generally available, Amazon Q in QuickSight provides users with unified insights from structured and unstructured data sources through integration with Amazon Q Business. While structured data is managed in conventional systems, unstructured data such as document libraries, webpages, images and more has remained largely untapped due to its diverse and distributed nature.
With Amazon Q in QuickSight business users can now augment insights from traditional BI data sources such as databases, data lakes and data warehouses, with contextual information from unstructured sources. Users can get augmented insights within QuickSight’s BI interface across multi-visual Q&A and Data Stories. Users can use multi-visual Q&A to ask questions in natural language and get visualizations and data summaries augmented with contextual insights from Amazon Q Business. With data stories in Amazon Q in QuickSight users can upload documents, or connect to unstructured data sources from Amazon Q Business to create richer narratives or presentations explaining their data with additional context. This integration enables organizations to harness insights from all their data without the need for manual collation, leading to more informed decision-making, time savings, and a significant competitive edge in the data-driven business landscape.
This new capability is generally available to all Amazon QuickSight Pro Users in US East (N. Virginia), and US West (Oregon) AWS Regions .
To learn more visit the AWS Business Intelligence Blog, the Amazon Q Business What’s New Post and try QuickSight free for 30-days