Amazon GuardDuty Malware Protection for Amazon S3 provides a fully-managed offering to scan new object uploads to S3 bucket for malware. Starting February 1, 2025, we are lowering the price for the data scanned dimension by 85%. Over the past few months we have made improvements to our scanning infrastructure and data processing efficiencies, enabling us to reduce the price as part of our commitment to pass savings back to customers.
GuardDuty Malware Protection for S3 is priced based on two dimensions: the number of objects evaluated and the amount of data scanned. We are lowering the price for the data scanned dimension, for example in US East (N. Virginia) from $0.60 to $0.09 per GB. The price for objects evaluated remains unchanged. With this price reduction, you will be more capable of building secure and cost-effective data pipelines on Amazon S3 for applications with untrusted uploads across the enterprise.
The price reduction applies automatically to all AWS Regions where GuardDuty Malware Protection for S3 is available, requiring no action from customers. For additional information visit Amazon GuardDuty pricing
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