Use the latest versions of all 16 supported open-source applications with Amazon EMR release 5.0 , including upgrades such as Apache Spark 2.0, Apache Hive 2.1 , Presto 0.150, Apache Zeppelin 0.6.1 (Snapshot) , Pig 0.16 , and Hue 3.10 . Apache Tez , an optimized execution framework, has replaced Apache Hadoop MapReduce as the default execution engine for Hive and Pig, applications now utilize the Java Development Kit 8 (JDK 8) for their runtime environment, and Spark is now compiled with Scala 2.11. All previous sandbox applications on Amazon EMR release 4.x are now GA. Additionally, you can now use enhanced debugging functionality for EMR steps to quickly find errors in logs and highlight possible common root causes.