Amazon Connect now supports WhatsApp Business messaging, enabling you to deliver personalized experiences to your customers who use WhatsApp, one of the world’s most popular messaging platforms, increasing customer satisfaction and reducing costs. Rich messaging features such as inline images and videos, list messages, and quick replies allow your customers to browse product recommendations, check order status, or schedule appointments.
Amazon Connect for WhatsApp Business messaging makes it easy for your customers to initiate a conversation by simply tapping on WhatsApp-enabled phone numbers or chat buttons published on your website or mobile app, or by scanning a QR code. As a result, you are able to reduce call volumes and lower operational costs by deflecting calls to chats. WhatsApp Business messaging uses the same generative AI-powered chatbots, routing, configuration, analytics, and agent experience as voice, chat, SMS, Apple Messages for Business, tasks, web calling, and email in Amazon Connect, making it easy for you to deliver seamless omnichannel customer experiences.
Amazon Connect for WhatsApp Business messaging is available in US East (N. Virginia), US West (Oregon), Europe (Frankfurt), Europe (London), and Asia Pacific (Singapore) regions.
To learn more and get started, please refer to the help documentation , pricing page , or visit the Amazon Connect website .